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var no_menu_msg='Context Menu disabled!';
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//For Firefox This code will work
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window.onload = function(){disableSelection(document.body);};//////////////////special for safari Start////////////////
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// also there is no property in IE.
// instead IE uses window.event.srcElement
var target = || e.srcElement;
elemtype = window.event.srcElement.nodeName;
elemtype = elemtype.toUpperCase();
if(!wccp_pro_is_passive()) e.preventDefault();
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hike = function() {};try {
const object1 = {};
var aid = Object.defineProperty(object1, 'passive', {
get() {cold = true}
window.addEventListener('test', hike, aid);
window.removeEventListener('test', hike, aid);
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/*special for safari End*/
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return false;
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Skip to contentRecently Fastwin website has lost it’s connection from the user and not opening. When users try to open fastwin website, error shows – Money making machine has stopped working. According to, website is performing minor upgradation in order to provide better interface to users. But the reality can be very much different.
Fastwin New Link : – Open Now
Fastwin website is closed for more than 15 days and which is very long time. In past when fastwin website performed server upgradation, it was closed hardly for 24 hours. And been closed for so much long duration created panic in users who were actively playing games on Fastwin.

Is Fastwin Closed Permanently ?
From the point of view of a user, fastwin was a hope and source of regular income. So many users money is trapped and they are unable to withdraw it. Fastwin site is not closed for so much long time in it’s past. Many users are suffering from the shutdown of Fastwin website. There are few times when fastwin was reportedly active for a while but later became dormant. You can try below methods to reopen fastwin website.
1) Clear your browser cache and open in fresh browser.
2) Try to open fastwin in incognito mode
3) Use faster internet services
4) Access fastwin app in night time
When Fastwin Will Open ?
As per the latest news from fastwin team, server upgradation is about to complete and fastwin will be live again on 18th January 2025. This news is 100% real and confirmed by fastwin customer care team. If you want you can yourself contact from fastwin team. Fastwin was having certain bugs and irregularities which were meant to be improved. Concluding to this we can expect to get fastwin back in few days. Till then you can enjoy other games like Daman, Big Mumbai, 55 Club.
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